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Honoring William F. Buckley, Jr.’s Stewardship of National Review

July 9, 2004
Today, Congressman Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) made the following remarks from the House Floor:"Mr. Speaker, today the conservative movement in America stands on the shoulders of giants: men such as Edmund Burke, T.S. Elliot, F. A. Hayek, Whittaker Chambers, and William F. Buckley, Jr. Of all these theorists, no one has made a deeper and more profound impression on my life than William F. Buckley, Jr.," said Congressman Wilson. "Since I attended high school, I have read National Review, the magazine founded by Mr. Buckley in 1955. Through his stewardship of conservatism's flagship magazine, he was able to direct our visions and coherently communicate our positive philosophy. Indeed, Mr. Buckley defined the conservative movement as one that promotes a strong national defense to defeat communism and terrorism, and for limited government, lower taxation, personal responsibility, and individual freedom. These principles are still the basis of conservatism today, and National Review after nearly fifty years is still our guidebook.Image removed. Watch Video "Last week Mr. Buckley turned over his ownership of National Review, and ended a special era in American History. I ask all of my colleagues to join me in thanking William F. Buckley, Jr. for his service to the American political dialogue."In conclusion, may God bless our troops and we will never forget September 11th," said Congressman Wilson.###