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Sikhs Should Not Face Harassment

March 19, 2003
Today, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) made the following remarks on the House floor:"Mr. Speaker, I rise today in concern about a troubling issue. Young Sikh boys are suffering from physical abuse, harassment, and verbal taunting in some American schools. This is due to a lack of knowledge of the Sikh faith," said Rep. Wilson."Sikhism is the world's fifth largest religion and has existed in India for more than five centuries. Many Sikhs in India play important roles in both the state and federal governments, and Sikhs are an integral part of the Indian American community in this country."As part of their faith, Sikh men leave their hair uncut and wear turbans. Students see images of the Taliban and mistake Sikh youth for extremists. As a result, many Sikh boys have been harassed. As the Republican Co-Chair of the India Caucus, I ask school administrators to work with members of the Sikh community to educate all young people about the importance of respecting other people's faith. No child should ever fear for their physical safety inside an American school."In conclusion, may God bless our troops," said Rep. Wilson.###